"Let's Squeeze
the Most Results
Out of Your
Online Business"

6 “Life or Death” Website Tools You Need to Have

“3 of these tools are 100% Free and not using one of them cost me
THOUSANDS of dollars on my first campaign”

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How Can I Help?

Hi, my name is Richard Knight and if you plan on or currently run an online business then you’ve come to the right place.

As a web developer who is OBSESSED with online marketing I can provide a unique roadmap / shortcut to getting the results you want for your online business.

I can bridge the gap between not even having a website to building an online machine that gets results (whether it’s more donations, more customers, more leads or more sales).

So whether you want to learn from my wins and my losses that I document in the form of casestudies, tutorials and tips or you need me to work with you one – on one, I’m here to help you.

Have a question?

Feel free to contact me.


Web Development

Need a website designed and created from scratch or do you have a custom project you need done?

eCommerce Setup

Start selling your products and services online with an optimized eCommerce solution.

eMail Marketing

Increase your revenue with strategic email campaigns that turn visitors into buyers and buyers into repeat customers.

Facebook Ads

Increase your ROI by putting your products & services in front of the right audiences everytime.

Connect With Me